Eggs, Duck

Producer: .KelRae Farm

Category: Dairy & Eggs

Duck eggs are an excellent source of nutrition. They are packed with antioxidants, proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and lots of vitamin A. They are perfect for baking and you can actually use reduce the amount used when comparing to a chicken egg.



Available At These Locations

Kelrae Farm LFPA GCOC (Private) | KelRae Farm LFPA PGOC (Private) | KelRae Farm LFPA WHOM (Private) | LFPA - WJCC Schools - Laurel Lane (Private) | LFPA - WJCC Schools - Stonehouse (Private) | KelRae Farm - Thursday


$7.50 per 1/2 dozen duck eggs
1 In stock
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1 % VA Food Sales Tax