Okra (dried okra)

Producer: .KelRae Farm

Category: Gardening,Gifts & Crafts

Dried okra from our farm. Many choices are available either individual pods or by the stems (short or long). Dried okra is the perfect addition for any decorating projects, wreaths for any season and much more. It's also a great holiday decor addition.



Available At These Locations

Kelrae Farm LFPA GCOC (Private) | KelRae Farm LFPA PGOC (Private) | KelRae Farm LFPA WHOM (Private) | LFPA - WJCC Schools - Laurel Lane (Private) | LFPA - WJCC Schools - Stonehouse (Private) | KelRae Farm - Thursday | LLES WJCC


$5.00 per per 6 pods
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$9.00 per per 12 single pods
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$4.00 per short stem
0 In stock
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$5.00 per medium length stem
In stock
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$6.00 per long stem
5 In stock
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7 % VA Non-food Sales Tax