***Flowers, Yarrow Achillea

Producer: .KelRae Farm

Category: Gardening,Gifts & Crafts

Plant this herbaceous perennial in the spring. Simply make sure to plant it in soil that is well-drained, watering it regularly during drought conditions, but giving it ample time to fully dry out in between. Yarrow is a perfect addition for any gardening project.


Available At These Locations

KelRae Farm - Thursday | Kelrae Farm LFPA GCOC (Private) | KelRae Farm LFPA PGOC (Private) | KelRae Farm LFPA WHOM (Private) | LFPA - WJCC Schools - Laurel Lane (Private) | LFPA - WJCC Schools - Stonehouse (Private)


$12.00 per Perennial
1 In stock
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